What if you were born in Cusps - (Sept.19th - Dec 24th)

September through December consists of a diverse group of zodiac signs that include Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. These people are like the perfect blend of traits. People born on the Cusps are said to be some of the most adaptable and versatile people among the 12 signs of the zodiac, at least when it comes to matters of ego (sun sign).

But before we begin, we need to remember that Cusps are simply that: cusps. They are not necessarily the best or worst of a sign, but simply combinations of two signs that blend for better or worse.

A Cusp is an astrological concept describing a boundary between two zodiacal signs or houses. A person born close to the time that the Sun changes signs ( about 2-3 days before and after the date of a new zodiac season) is considered to be born on the Cusp. People are usually unaware of their Cusps but will display some personality traits of both signs.

For this article, we will only focus on Libra, Virgo, Scorpio Sagittarius, and Capricorn cusps.

LIBRA-SCORPIO CUSP: 10/19 - 10/25

People born on the Libra-Scorpio cusp are fiercely competitive. They love to win in their professional and personal lives and believe that it is important for their communities to have a sense of balance and stability.

They value tradition and want to be surrounded by beautiful things. While they enjoy winning, they may become jealous or resentful if they believe they are being cheated in any way.

This can lead them to become very suspicious and guarded in their relationships, but when they find peace within themselves, this Cusp has the ability to achieve great success and reach their full potential.

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Now that you know what your cusp is, it is important to remember these are just general interpretations for those born on a Cusp. Everyone's experience with a specific Cusp will be unique, and many people find themselves displaying traits of both signs at different times. Refer to your birth chart for further insight on your Cusp, or continue reading through the rest of this site to learn more about each sign.